Jan 20, 2023

Signs You Need a New Catalytic Converter From Your Chevy DealerYour catalytic converter is designed to remove dangerous and toxic chemicals from the exhaust smoke. It does this through a conversion process involving pressure, heat, and chemical reactions. Over time your converter can become damaged or blocked. If this happens, your Chevy dealer can repair or replace it for you. These are some of the signs of a converter problem.

You’re Using More Gas

As a driver, you have a good idea of the amount of gas you regularly use. If you see that you have to visit the gas station more often, you could have a converter problem. When your converter operates, some of the byproducts of combustion can be left behind and gradually block the converter. A partial blockage will force some of the engine gases back into your engine.

These gases will create a fuel-rich environment in the engine, and this affects combustion. In a fuel-rich engine, you have more fuel than air, but much of the fuel won’t burn. The excess fuel is wasted and forced out of the exhaust. This wastage will decrease your fuel economy. Our technicians can easily clear a blocked converter, and your fuel economy will increase.

Check Engine Light Comes On

The check engine light always lights up when a problem is detected in your engine. The light connects to numerous sensors that monitor all the engine components for signs of trouble. If a problem is detected, the relevant sensor will inform your computer, and the light will come on. If you have a converter problem, this can trigger the light.

A fuel-rich engine, as we saw above, uses more fuel. Your engine will also record a lower amount of oxygen in the exhaust gases. The combination of these two events suggests that there’s a converter problem. We’ll connect your car to our diagnostic system to find the cause of the problem. Once it’s identified, we’ll fix the problem.

Rattling Noises

If you hear the sounds of something rattling around, your converter could be damaged. The inside of the converter is a honeycomb structure. This structure is very efficient for conversion, as it provides a large surface area for conversion. If this honeycomb is damaged by wear or other engine problems, parts of the honeycomb can break off.

Broken sections of the honeycomb can rattle around inside the converter. These parts will cause additional damage as they move. We can’t repair the damage inside the converter, but we can install a replacement for you.

If your converter shows signs of wear, call us right away at Ted Britt Chevrolet. Our Chevy-trained technicians can speedily repair your catalytic converter in Sterling at your convenience.