Dec 25, 2020

Planning for a road trip can be exciting and fun, but when you head out on the highway, you’ll need to keep safety in the front of your mind. With all the cars on the road these days, driving can be risky business. Luckily, many advancements in vehicle safety technology have made road trips safer than they’ve ever been. Check out these ways that modern safety features will help you stay safe on your next road trip. 

  1. Blind-Spot Monitoring

Have you ever attempted to change lanes and had to suddenly swerve back into your lane because of a car approaching in your blind spot? You definitely aren’t the first or only person to deal with this scenario. That’s why automakers have developed and made widely available the blind-spot monitoring feature that’s found on many modern cars, trucks, and SUVs. This system uses sensors to alert you to vehicles you can’t see due to blind spots. 

  1. Adaptive Cruise Control

Cruise control has been a well-loved feature in many cars since it first became a standard feature back in the 1960s. This technology has since come a long way, and many modern cars are now offered with adaptive cruise control as either a standard feature or an upgrade. It’s a great safety feature for road trips, as it makes it easy to maintain a safe distance from the car in front of you. 

This type of cruise control differs from the cruise control of the ’60s because it will automatically apply the brakes when the car ahead of you slows down and then accelerate back up to speed when traffic resumes its flow. 

  1. Automatic High-Beam Headlamps

If your road trip will have you driving at night, then you’ll want automatic high-beam headlamps as a feature in your new car. Constantly switching between high and low beams when driving at night can be a hassle, but with automatic high-beam headlamps, your car will do it for you automatically. This means no more blinding other drivers with your high beams and better visibility at night because the lights will adjust themselves as needed based on lighting and traffic. 

  1. Rearview Camera

All new cars are equipped with a rearview camera. It allows you to see things behind you when you’re backing up at low speeds, making it easier to back out of tight parking spaces and driveways. When you’re on a road trip and driving in unfamiliar territory, this feature can be a lifesaver. 

  1. Tire Pressure Monitoring System

Keeping your tires properly inflated is always a good idea, but if you’re heading off on a road trip, you really need to ensure they have the right PSI. When your tires are inflated properly, you’ll get better gas mileage and be safer. Tires without the right amount of air are more susceptible to flats and blowouts, so use your tire pressure monitoring system to keep your tires properly inflated. 

If you’re not sure whether or not your car is equipped with these safety features, bring it by Ted Britt Chevrolet. Our team of experts can help you find out if these safety features are included in your vehicle. If not, you can check out the extensive inventory to get a vehicle with the safety features you want.